Totonika escapes from her cage

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Our baby hamster Totonika in her first steps out of the cage. Since then, we cannot close her door anymore.. She never liked to be enclosed. She now lives free in our house and returns to her hamster cage only to sleep.

The end of the video finishes with a dramatic jump from the table which scared us but she was not hurt. She discovered the freedom of flying.. and I think this changed her life forever heh


My sweet baby!! :) she was so

My sweet baby!! :) she was so small!!!
And now she has an open park and is happy! ok dinner time toto!

and she can also play Canon

and she can also play Canon in D ???? WOW. :D <3

are you sure she isn't half

are you sure she isn't half monkey, dextrous as she is? ;))
crazy cute hamster! :D