Totonika and the dog
Today we went to the park with Totonika. He was all the time inside the ball.... We were afraid of letting her free in the park... She was happy and ok .. Running inside the ball until suddenly a dog came and Totonika stopped and got frozen for a minute or so... Nothing happened.. The dog was friendly and only wanted to see. But Totonika saw a huge monster coming to eat her.. heh.. Then we realized that her face was an absolute terror face. Her eyes were very opened and it seems they had like in blood around...
Now we have learned that hamsters can have a panic attack and die from heart attack ! We immediately went home after that and she is safe and perfectly fine now :D Maybe ... could it be that they put that face to pretend they are very sick and maybe telling the dog.. if you eat me you are going to die because look at my face... I'm totally infected... or something ! Maybe!? After some minutes she returned to normal state :)